Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yes, for the very few of you who find your way here: I never updated as promised. I never scanned and uploaded the images from the early 1960s airline timetables I own.

The whole exercise just seemed so futile once the utter absurdity of the question of Obama's birthplace became even more obvious after he released his long-form birth certificate. The question always was absurd, of course, but it felt ever more icky even to be peripherally connected (by topic if not belief) to those who still thought Obama was born anywhere but in Hawaii.

Also, summer happened, and I really didn't want to spend any of it scanning and uploading and writing copy. Perhaps now that autumn is here, I'll change my mind. But at any rate, if you find this blog and you still have even the slightest doubt that President Obama was born anywhere but in Hawaii, I want the first thing you read on this website to be this: